Frequently Asked Questions

Individual coaching

When is individual coaching available?

Individual coaching runs all year round and is booked by appointment. Sessions run most frequently after hours 4pm till 9pm Monday to Friday. However during peak periods sessions run during the day and all day Saturday and Sunday!

Where do sessions take place?

Thomastown, Brooklyn, Clayton and Blackburn are the options for individual coaching in Melbourne. Clever Cricket in Thomastown is Shaun's major base and the home of the Dartfish coaching system.

How old do you need to be to get personal coaching?

The rule of thumb on this question is that if a young player can be coached with the hard match balls safely without modifying normal coaching methods too greatly then coaching can go ahead. Individual coaching is normally offered to players staring around 7or 8 years of age right through to 50!

The Cricket Camps

Which ex-Test players are coming to my area?

On a super camp it is normal to have 6 or more ex Test players coach over the 3 days of the camp. On Metro and Country camps (2 Days) 2 ex test players coach at the camp. All coaches are pre booked so ring the office to find out who is coming to your area.

Do I need my own gear?

Before we had Covid arrive gear was provided for those who did not have it. However currently (2022) we can only take 1 spare set of gear that if used must be sanatised if shared.

We encourage all participants to bring the gear, share with a sibling or source gear some way. Please also inform the office if you have no gear.

Do you need to be playing competition cricket to attend a camp?


How do we work out the groups for the camps?

The cricket camp participants are grouped initially by age with individuals moved on the day of the camp in relation to ability. This system allows children of all abilities and ages to attend the camps. Special requests for elite young players or unsure beginners can be considered and should be mentioned when booking.

Experience has showed us that within any group abilities will be diverse and that movement either up or down once a camp begins has been rare.

Can my child be put in a group with his friend?

Yes as long as they are of similar age and ability. Such requests need to be made when booking for the camp.

Do you provide food?

No. All participants are asked to bring a cut lunch and snacks.

Do you provide drinks?

Yes, all camps have cordial provided. A recent trend has seen most participants also bring a personal drink bottle.

Do you have more questions?

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our Sponsors

Greg Chappell Cricket Centre

Fashion Clubwear