Heat Policy 38+

The following modifications are to be made to the coaching program on days of extreme heat.

  1. Introductory talks and head coaches talks are to be taken in side (where possible) or in the shade on or about the oval in use.
  2. Sessions will be limited to around 60 minutes and shall include a drinks break mid way. In effect a day will see around 3 hours activity with the other 3 hours dedicated to the head coaches talk and drinks breaks including introductions and conclusions.
  3. Participants can at any stage move away from the group (in pairs) and have a drink from our cordial provided.
  4. The Coordinator and coaches will spend ensuring the clinic is running to plan and be on alert for children affected by heat.
  5. During breaks children attending will be asked to rest and no equipment will be made available for activity at this stage.
  6. Any Children who appear affected by heat will have their parents rung who inturn will collect their child for closer observation.

How parents can help

  1. Ensure your child has a wide brimmed hat on.
  2. Ensure your child has sun screen on.
  3. Please do not send your child to the camp if he is already ill.
  4. Where possible send your child with his own drink bottle and encourage him to hydrate on regular intervals.

Footnote- Hot day policy was in place for recent camps in Dubbo & Tamworth allowing camps to continue as planned. (40 +)>

Footnote- In cases of prolonged heat (40+) SBCC may choose to start the program at 8am and conclude at 2pm. SBCC office will contact all participants should this occur.

In final SBCC provide a heat policy that has served it well over the years of the camps. However the final decision of wether it is too hot to attend the camp remains with the parent. Parents will know the child's individual circumstances and abilities to deal with extreme heat.

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